- The Gluten-Free Page
Celiac Disease/Gluten Intolerance Web Sites
On the web since 1996
Contents to Sections Below
Best Sites
- The Case Against Gluten (Medical Journal References) [] is a survey of recent literature on gluten sensitivity without full blown celiac disease. The author is arguing for a paleo diet for all.
- Gluten: What You Don't Know Might Kill You by Mark Hyman, MD brings us up-to-date on health problems caused by gluten, gluten sensitivity as a disorder in itself, and the latest in testing protocol.
- Celiac Disease started as an article put up by the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Now a multisection article covering all aspects of the disorder.
- American Family Physician magazine has an article Detecting Celiac Disease in Your Patients by Harold T. Pruessner, M.D. Also see patient handout on celiac disease.
- Dr Ben Balzer, general practitioner with a special interest in the paleolithic diet, has written Coeliac disease: a disease or a simple case of poisoning? where he explains how we have not evolved to be eaters of grains, beans or potatoes.
- Scott Adams put up in 1995. It was the first important site on celiac disease. And Scott has been relentlessly expanding it ever since. This is where most people start.
- Ok, this isn't a description page, but I found Cara Cozine's "The Gluten File: A collection of articles, abstracts, and websites related to gluten sensitivity" to be excellent on what is being published in the medical journals.
Sites by Individuals
- More than four dozen Ron Hoggan Articles have been collected and put on the web. They argue that various other disorders of the body have strong gluten connections. Leading edge analysis of the medical literature. After writing these Ron went on to write Dangerous Grains. At one time you could buy Smarten Up!, a video of Ron presenting on the topic of how gluten grains impede learning in sensitive individuals, and how they can affect one's behavior. And Ron's latest book is The Iron Edge.
- Here is a page with annotated links to other pages on The Paleolithic Diet. Sometimes called the hunter/gather diet, this pre-agricultural diet is where our digestive systems have evolved to. It fits in well with the gluten-free diet.
- With some help from friends, I developed a comparison of candida and gluten intolerance symptoms.
- I have been collecting various Recipes and Food Preparation Tips, mostly for alternative gluten-free grains, e.g. arrowroot, buckwheat, millet, and quinoa. Also other useful GF things.
- JoAnn Betten started collecting recipes that are gluten-free, dairy-free, bean-free, and free of other Neolithic foods. They have since been greatly expanded and organized like a cookbook at the PaleoFood Site.
- The Dark Side of Wheat - New Perspectives On Celiac Disease & Wheat Intolerance by Sayer Ji covers the dangers of wheat consumption for everybody, not just celiacs.
- Foo YS has put up Gluten Free Diet: Food and Recipes for Beginners. The site is new and somewhat basic. What is different about the site is you can add a comment to any page in the site.
- Lisa Lewis, PhD, has put up Understanding and
Implementing a Gluten & Casein Free Diet. An excellent web page on diet and autism. Explains what is happening with intestinal permeability, etc. 46K
- Linda Blanchard's Wheat Free Zone is a
site with some a forum, recipes, and a gluten-free foods database. See her Ingredients to Watch For (and Why).
- Abigail Neuman has a page Is it FMS, CFS, or
Celiac Disease?. Has the story of her 20 year struggle to find the correct diagnosis. A good read. Also a list of gluten-free foods. []
- Wheat-free
Baking Recipes by Catriona Mackey, Marion Bowles, and Jack Campin.
Watch out for the recipes which contain oats.
- Peter Thompson has published an old edition of his book Gluten-free Cookery: The Complete Guide for Gluten-free and Wheat-free Diets on the web. He also runs some web discussion boards.
- Mary Brooke, B.Sc.Nutrition, has a site on Gluten Intolerance/Gluten-Free
Diet. Includes a general overview. She is beginning to focus on the relationship between gluten ingestion and multiple sclerosis. []
- Sarah Chopping has put up Gluten-Free InfoWeb. Can
search lists of brand name food products which might be gluten-free,
meaning which foods the manufacturers consider to be
- Allan Gardyne in Australia has Best gluten-free
recipes [].
- Gluten Free & Casein Free
Diet has become the leading web resource for parents of autists that
are using dietary intervention.
- Lori Alden has put up Wheat
Flours, which is a long list of substitutions, including many that are
- Special
Needs Info is a site for information on gluten and casein free
diets for autists. []
- Shirley Hartung has written three cookbooks: No Grain No Pain, Muffins From The Heart, and Cookies Naturally. See Edible Options. The site also has tips and celiac stories.
- Marilee's Teff Page has
many links to information, injera recipes, and sources for teff. []
- Thomas Viehof in Germany has some versions of Restaurant-Cards in different
languages. []
- Hans Björknäs of The Wasa Workgroup on Intestinal Disorders also
has several pages on celiac disease in Finnish and Swedish. They are
off his home
- The list of regular books has been expanded and now resides on its own page: GF Books.
- Gluten-free Cookery - The Complete Guide for Gluten-free and Wheat-free Diets
is the most popular gluten-free cookbook in the UK. All recipes meet North American standards. This site contains the full text of the
- Learn to Shop Gluten Free [] by Sue Newell is a downloadable book that isn't a shopping list with brands to buy and brands to avoid, but it will teach you to find the products in your grocery store you can eat.
- A Video Guide for Making Gluten-Free Bread [] was shown at the Iowa Fall Informational meeting.
It teaches you how to make a variety of gluten-free breads from one basic recipe.
- The Gluten-Free Kitchen of December Rose!, in both hard-copy and e-book, contains dozens of delicious, family-tested Recipes, plus several handy Forms to help you move easily through your gluten-free lifestyle. Buy online here.
- Elaine Gottschall, author of Breaking the Vicious Cycle, has a diet that is more restrictive than gluten-free,
and is used primarily by patients of inflammatory bowel diseases. Includes almond flour based recipes. Mik Aidt in Denmark has an
extensive site on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet []. Has archives and many MB of material. Two
general discussions that include sections on the Gottschall diet: Crohn's
Disease and Ulcerative Colitis and Inflammatory
Bowel Disease Update, by Ronald Hoffman, M.D. This site has a slick promo on the Gottschall book.
Includes Chapter 1 of the book.
- Celiac
Disease is the National Digestive Diseases Information
Clearinghouse's overview page. Many articles.
- Center for Celiac Research was set up by the U. of Maryland to increase the awareness of celiac disease. In 2012 the center moved to Mass General Hospital. Site has information on their serological study to determine its prevalence in the US.
- Donald D. Kasarda, a wheat protein researcher with the USDA, has a
discussion of Grains
in Relation to Celiac (Coeliac) Disease. Includes a grain taxonomy
- Changing Features of
Coeliac Disease was held July 10-12, 1998, in Tampere, Finland.
Conference proceedings are now available. [] Proceedings of the 7th
International Coeliac Congress 5 - 7 September, 1996 in Tampere,
Finland [] are also available.
- Science Daily has an article Celiac
Disease Not As Uncommon As Once Thought, Say Researchers At Wake
- This page has a detailed
discussion of the genetics of celiac disease. It is from a database
of articles on Mendelian Inheritance in Man from the Johns Hopkins
University's National Center for Biotechnology Information. They also
now have a
page on DH.
- Dr. Kalle Reichelt of the Pediatric Research
Institute in Oslo, Norway has been researching the impact of gluten,
gliadin and casein intolerance on certain individuals with
developmental delays. A collection of his Net
articles contain papers on the connection between Mental Disease,
Autism, Allergies, etc., and Celiac Disease. Talks of the opioids
formed in the gut. It is 80K and technical.
- From the Neolithic Revolution to Gluten Intolerance: Benefits and Problems Associated with the Cultivation of Wheat [], by Luigi Greco. A history of gluten intolerance and why it is so common.
- An
abstract on "Measurements of the jejunal unstirred layer in normal
subjects and patients with celiac disease."
- A bio on what celiac researcher Martin F. Kagnoff,
M.D. at UCSD is up to.
- Paul Shattock at the U. of Sunderland in the UK has a page on The Use of
Gluten and Casein Free Diets withPeople with Autism. []
- Introductory
Anatomy: Digestive System, by Dr D.R. Johnson in Leeds, UK. Easy to
- Wayne State U. Pharmaceutical Biochemistry has a course on
Carbohydrate Metabolism. []
- The U. of Wisconsin Library has a page with some Celiac
- Good Discussion
of Selective IgA Deficiency from The Jeffrey Modell
Foundation. Mentions association with celiac disease. []
- Gluten intolerance is now a recognized cause of brain calcifications and epilepsy. Here are a
bunch of Medline abstracts on this.
- The
Digestive System [] has a basic overview of the human digestive
system, and ones in simpler creatures.
- Gluten
Free Recipes from the SOAR archives.
- In Gluten in the diet may be the cause of recurring headaches they found that limiting gluten reduced symptoms of severe headache in seven out of nine patients.
- For hundreds of references on celiac, go to BNET's FINDarticles.COM
and do a search for free articles on celiac.
- Coeliac
disease specific antigen found. Researchers at Oxford have
identified a peptide in wheat that elicits a specific immune response
in people with coeliac disease. This discovery of a coeliac disease
specific antigen could offer a new route for treatment of the
- A search on Medscape will
return hundreds of abstracts of articles about Celiac Disease. Free
registration required.
- Coeliac
disease is a review based on the proceedings of regular
international symposiums and meetings on coeliac disease, textbooks,
review articles, and searches of Medline. See links at the page bottom
to eLetter responses to the article.
- An editorial in the British Medical Journal: Gluten
sensitivity: a many headed hydra. Subtitle is "Heightened
responsiveness to gluten is not confined to the gut." Written by
Hadjivassiliou, Grunewald, and Davies-Jones.
- Coeliac
disease in primary care: case finding study in the BMJ finds that
celiac disease is far more common than generally thought.
- Prospective
study of body mass index in patients with coeliac disease was
published in the BMJ. It reports that of 50 newly diagnosed celiac
patients, 11 were underweight, 22 were within the normal range, and 17
were overweight. This would appear to challenge the conventional
perspective on underweight celiacs.
- Genome
Search in Celiac Disease is a comprehensive and technical page from
the The American Journal of Human Genetics January 5, 1998
- An abstract from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Nutritional
status of newly diagnosed celiac disease patients before and after the
institution of a celiac disease diet--association with the grade
of mucosal villous atrophy. PDF version also available.
- Clinical spectrum of biopsy-defined celiac disease in the elderly is an PDF of a study by H.J. Freeman in The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology.
- The New England Journal of Medicine has an an article in the May 2, 1996 issue: The Prevalence of Occult Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Celiac Sprue.
- The NEJM has had articles on the oats controversy. But only the
original article is available to non-paying subscribers: A Comparison
of Diets with and without Oats in Adults with Celiac Disease.
- Abstract from The Lancet: Clinical, radiological, neurophysiological, and neuropathological characteristics of gluten ataxia. A study by Hadjivassiliou M, et. al.
- Citation from The Lancet: Does cryptic gluten sensitivity play a part in neurological illness? A
study by Hadjivassiliou M, et. al.
Pathology/Endoscopy Images
Dermatitis Herpetiformis Images
- Google does can do a better job than I when it comes to finding images on the web. See the results of an image search on Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
Other Associations/Organizations
- The Gluten Free Diet, Recipes And Foods Website [] is a basic introductory site with information on the gluten-free diet and celiac disease. Also include foods, sample meal and recipes.
- Kenneth Fine, M.D. now has his own site Finer Health & Nutrition. He
does consulting, including on gluten-free living. He was formerly with Baylor University Medical Center. Site has some educational information
on celiac disease.
- r-bioharm makes a lab test for gluten. Go to Food and Feed Analysis and click on the green
dot for allergens. Then click on Gliadin.
- In the US ELISA Technologies is selling EZ Gluten is and ELISA food testing kit. They
claim them to be rapid and sensitive.
- A search on celiac
turns up hundreds of pages. They are a little dated, and contains information that can also be found elsewhere. This was once the DrKoop web site.
- Beer Stuff's Gluten Free Beer Page has a recipe developed by Eric Constans. It is based on
malted buckwheat.
- Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology in PA has put up Gluten-Free Diet, an
intro with a nice chart of foods with and without gluten.
- Stephen J. Gislason MD has a food-related disease site Digestive Disorders; The
Gastrointestinal Center. Starts out with an introduction to the Gastrointestinal Tract. Several pages there are relevant to us. Start with Celiac, food caused immune-mediated disease and see long list along the left.
- Red Star Yeast has a site with Best Recipes (Click Gluten Free along left of page).
- A question and answer page on gluten intolerance that is part of a series on "Ask
the Dietitian" by Joanne Larsen, MS RD.
- HealthWorld Online has Leaky
Gut Syndromes: Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Leo Galland, M.D., F.A.C.N. He's the top proponent of increased intestinal
- Celiac Disease and Down Syndrome is an introduction by Dr. Len Leshin, MD. Part of a
Down's Syndrome site.
- Cyrex Laboratories has four tests: 1. Mucosal Gluten Reactivity Screen, 2. Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen, 3. Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity, 4. Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity. Includes nationwide phlebotomy services, supplies, and return shipping.
- Quest Diagnostics is a major lab that does celiac testing. Here's
their list
of celiac tests.
- EnteroLab is a clinical laboratory specializing in the analysis of intestinal specimens for
food sensitivities, especially for gluten. Uses stool sample instead of serum.
- The University of Tampere Institute of Medical Technology Service Laboratory [] did
serum testing and sold tests. Page has an image of a positive endomysium antibody test pattern.
- Celiac Disease Diagnostics lists the tests sold by Prometheus in San Diego.
- INOVA Diagnostics, Inc. has a page on Celiac Disease tests.
- Genova Diagnostics has a page on Intestinal Permeability Assessment
and on Celiac & Gluten Sensitivity.
- The Cook's Thesaurus has a good page describing Nonwheat Flours. Not
all of them are gluten free.
- The Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers Association has a site. Sorghum, and also a
variant called Jowar, are gluten-free.
- Tables of contents from Advances in Cereal Science and Technology, a series of books for sale at $80 each. Volume
VI gets into the grains in great depth. Includes chapter on the celiac condition. Volume
IX includes immunological detection of gluten in foods, and immunological responses to gluten in humans. Volume
X has a couple chapters on celiac disease/gluten and schizophrenia. [all] Includes the opioid concept as discussed by Reichelt.
- Willie Prejean's Baking and Baking Science [] contains lots of information on baking
ingredients and what they do.
- Functions of Baking Ingredients. A solid 15K introduction to gluten's role in cooking. []
- Perdue has put Magness et al. 1971 online in a huge
database with hundreds of crops. Detailed write-ups on each one. Can find the gluten grains and some of the non-gluten ones, and most of
what you might want to grow.
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Page put on the web 11-Apr-96.
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